Fluent Trainee Programme

We do not use trainees for odd jobs. Instead, we wish to provide motivated future professionals opportunities to develop, grow and learn, as this nurtures work motivation and thirst to learn.


As a trainee, you will be able to challenge yourself in diverse work tasks and to learn the trade through practical training with professionals. We will tailor your training period based on your skills and previous experience. We will also ensure that you will be given more responsibilities and more varied work tasks as your skills develop.

Many of our current workers first came to Fluent as a trainee: the training programme is one of our main recruitment channels. We pay special attention to the work-orientation of persons who are starting their first job through our mentoring programme.

At us, trainees are considered to be equal members of the staff and will be paid for their effort during the trainee period.

We are especially interested in the following skills:


  • JavaScript
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • React or other corresponding UI framework
  • Webpack


  • Java / Spring Boot
  • REST interfaces
  • SQL

We recruit trainees and students writing their dissertation to the Joensuu office throughout the year.

Interested? Send your application to: careers@fluentprogress.fi.

More information

Jarno Tukiainen
Chief Product Officer