Customer support

Is something troubling you? Contact Fluent’s customer support!

In troubling situations you may turn to Fluent’s service specialist Saana, who provides telephone services on working days from 9 through 16.
Tel. +358 29 1700 860*

You may also email Saana to Please also leave your contact information.

When calling from outside Finland, calls are charged in accordance with the pricelist of the local operator.

You may also contact us using the issue reporting form. We will process your message and contact you as soon as possible.

* The price of the call is 8.35 c/call + 14.88 c/min (VAT 24%) from a Finnish landline or mobile phone.

Frequently asked questions

The fastest way to get the system in use is to contact our sales directly: +358 50 374 8326 /, so that we can tell you more and look at a solution that suits your needs.

Mikko Hassinen from Fluent's sales will be happy to arrange a meeting with you either on-site or remotely according to your wishes.

To use the Fluent Kunto service, you need:

  • A working internet connection and Internet browser
  • At least an up-to-date Android version supported by the Google Play application store (in other words, the phone can still get updates), and 1.5GB of RAM
  • Google Play Store app
  • A mobile phone connection with mobile data for each user

However, if this went beyond the scope, please contact Saana from Fluent's cusomer support, who will be happy to tell you more about the device requirements on 029 1700 860 (Mon–Fri from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Finnish time) or by e-mail at the address

Fluent Kunto's price is affected by the system as a whole, i.e. which modules you need for your use. The most typical basis for charging is a user-based monthly fee based on performance.

Yes. Maintenance data can be shared to road, street, and sports facility users through public views. Data can be shared through the interface for application development purposes. Contact us to learn more.

The following can be linked to the Fluent Kunto service:

  • Special devices developed for collecting location data, e.g. a PATI® tracking device
  • Devices integrated with vehicles, e.g. automatic spreaders by various manufacturers (Arctic Machine, EPOKE, Rasco, Fleetlog, Nido and others)

Do you have other types of needs? You can inquire about them directly from us, because we have an open interfaces principle! For further information on the devices, please contact our customer service:

Extremely well, so worry not. All data generated is stored in a local encrypted database. When an Internet connection is available, data is transmitted to the server using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) data encryption protocol.

The mobile application checks for updates every time it is launched and if a newer version is available, suggests that it be downloaded. Also if any problems arise you can always delete the app and install it again from Google Play Store. The web application does not require updating, as Fluent updates it based on need, for example when new features become available. Updates can also be agreed upon separately.

You can contact Saana from Fluent's cusomer support at any issue on 029 1700 860 (Mon–Fri from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Finnish time) or by e-mail at the address
If Saana is already sleeping or spending the weekend, you can go through the following steps:

Before contacting customer service please go through the following troubleshooting procedures, as these fix most of the problems encountered:

  • Restart the application and your device
  • Make sure that your device has a working GPS. For example is your location showing on Google Maps and does the location indicator there move as you move?
  • Make sure that your device has a working internet connection. For example can you open web sites or do videos play smoothly? Does the application work with a wifi network if you’re having trouble with your mobile connection and vice versa?
  • Remove Kunto application from device and install it again from Google Play Store.

Fluent Kunto devices use GPS technology and transmit their location to the Fluent Kunto system based on this data. Location data (points and routes with any related additional data) can be viewed using the map views of the system.

You can ensure that the data connection and GPS tracking is enabled on your mobile device. You can also ensure that the device has established a GPS connection. You can test the connection by visiting a website in the browser of your device.

If that doesn't solve the problem or you would like to have some additional advice, please contact Saana from Fluent's cusomer support 029 1700 860 (Mon–Fri from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Finnish time) or by e-mail at the address, as Saana will be happy to help you!

In Kunto users are managed by one or more main users, who have administrative permissions to the service. Please contact the main users of your Kunto environment for all problems related to your Kunto user account.

If none of the main users can enter the system, please contact our customer support. In the contact situation, we have to make sure that it is the right user before renewing the password.

In the online status, data is transmitted from one device to another in real time while in the offline status data is saved in the device memory and sent to Fluent Kunto when Internet connection is restored. The location of offline mobile devices is not updated in the Fluent Kunto application.

Please contact Saana from Fluent's cusomer support 029 1700 860 (Mon–Fri from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Finnish time) or by e-mail at the address, as Saana will be happy to help you!