
Viherpalvelut Hyvönen Oy

Kunto is an excellent tool for ensuring that the company implements the correct process at the right time and place

Viherpalvelut Hyvönen Oy is a family company founded in 1994. The services of the company include comprehensive green construction and maintenance and infrastructure maintenance services. The company has used the Kunto application since 2014, mainly in the provision of winter maintenance services. The area maintenance service contracts usually cover the maintenance of public areas, such as parks, passageways, ice rinks, roads, and yard areas.

At Viherpalvelut Hyvönen Oy, the use of the application is based on maintenance equipment. These vary from individual workers with a spade to snowploughing and anti-skid treatment equipment. At the busiest time of the winter, when poor weather affects all service contracts at the same time, the application can have 50–100 users each day.

A worksite diary is compiled automatically

Kunto enables documenting operations. The features of the application include automatic compilation of worksite diaries. According to Managing Director Timo Hyvönen, automatic compilation of a worksite diary for work management and the client as part of operations is a great help to a family company.

The younger generation doesn’t appreciate the effort that went into compiling worksite diaries on paper, as information had to be gathered from different sources.

In the application, all information is entered into the worksite diary automatically including weather data, materials and their consumption, machinery, and people. All that is needed is for everyone to use Kunto!

Kunto has enhanced the efficiency of the company’s operating methods. At first, some people complained about having to use the application – much as some people used to complain about the requirement to wear helmets on construction sites. Those initial suspicions have mostly died away, however, and now the Kunto application has become part of daily work.

Hey, that route is taking far too long!

For the company, one of the key features of the Kunto application is the ability of work managers to monitor subcontractors: what they do and what they are being paid for. “In a way, Kunto provides a basis for payment”, explains Tommi Juurinen, who is a work manager in the company.

Afterwards we can check on the map what work has been done with which equipment, and how it has been done. Above all, Kunto tells us why something has or has not been done.

Data collected by the Kunto application also provides the contractor with the most significant support by far in response to compensation claims when the measures taken must be proven. In some cases, e.g. in accidents involving tripping over, it must be possible to retrieve data from as far as ten years before.

Kunto supports the development of business operations

In terms of business operations, Kunto is an excellent tool for ensuring that the company implements the correct process at the right time and place. “We have a tool that we can use to take action if defects are observed”, says Juurinen.

Kunto also saves time – and time is money.

The company has also used Kunto as a reference in the bidding competition phase, as the application has allowed them to prove their existing skills in area maintenance service reporting to prospective clients.

Environmental maintenance that keeps future generations in mind

Viherpalvelut Hyvönen Oy stands out from among other Finnish main contractors by emphasising its expertise in green areas. Weeds are removed from hard traffic surfaces without chemicals, by using hot water vapour and formate-based biodegradable materials for anti-slip operations instead of rock salt.

Because non-degradable chemicals and rock salt accumulate in the groundwater, the company’s actions help to ensure that Salpausselkä’s renowned groundwater area is kept in good condition for future generations also.


Viherpalvelut Hyvönen Oy is a flexible, responsible, and growing green area and area maintenance service contractor that operates in Päijät-Häme, Helsinki Metropolitan Area, South Savo, and Tampere regions. The company has around 50 employees, all of whom take pride in the lasting impact of the work they do.